Friday, September 11, 2009

.... Major Varun Bajpai.

Life often comes knocking at my door
for a casual appraisal of our daily chore
It chides me often for wasting it away
for drifting with me and loosing myself in its sway

The other day i stood sentry after last light
when life came visiting at the sentry post site
It gave me a strange look and then remarked
how can you be sentry for the life's better part

I looked at life and smiled at its loving concern
and said, "from a soldier, you have a lot to learn"
Gazing at the horizon and then yonder
I was ready with a reply, after a brief ponder

Life, you often spend your life without
a worthwhile cause
Today you must think and give yourself
a brief pause....

life was taken aback, to be astonished
she was surprised, and she was astonished

When a sentry stands guard in his
battle fatigues dressed
He is the one , who is doubly blessed
Blesses him God, for the harsh duty he stands
Blesses him all people for safety to them
and their lands

When i stand sentry, i enable the children to read
to grow up tomorrow and give us the lead
When i stand sentry, the farmers till their land
They churn out rich crops from the grains of sand

When i stand sentry, the doctors save your progeny
they toil to carry out life saving surgery
When i stand sentry, factories work day and night
contributing in no small measure to the nation's might

When i stand sentry, in comfort works the scientific minds
to reinvent science and making us proud with their new find
When i stand sentry, in peace the people sleep
to awaken the next day, ready for a giant leap

When i stand sentry, on the alter of duty i pray
tell me life of all, who is the luckiest today
My duty is GOD, my duty is DIVINE
Whats better than life in the duty's line


  1. hi shormishta..first of must congratulate u for the poem its nice and name is hrithik(yes tht is the name) and we have a friend in common called hitesh.he infact is my best frnd of 14yrs and i saw ur profile thru his orkut list and then stumbled across ur blog.. saw this poem so just loved it..and thot of commentin.. nice work and keep it up..

  2. hey and this one is from my side..
    "through the eyes of a solder.."

    i stand alone, neck deep,in snow, of a chilly terrain
    seldom do i blink,be it sunshine be it rain
    when i feel dizzy, i pinch my flesh red thinking about my mates and they way they bled

    they way they bled fighting for a cause
    so that our nation continues to prosper without a pause
    as i hear something, along the border
    my heart beats faster but i reminisce my order.

    the order i swore by, when i entered the force
    which told me to kill, with no heart, no remorse..
    for if i hesitated while going for the kill
    my country would be at someone else's will

    the thought of that made me go mad
    even if it meant my son would not ever see his dad..
    i promised my country i would not ever stare at defeat
    as i continued trekking at 10000 feet

    every day when i catch a wink,i am flown to another land,
    where my son is in my lap,and my wife hand in hand
    i wake up hastily shrugging off the dream for i also hear the tanks blasting off with a scream

    in battle, my men fight with dignity and valour
    some losing life, some losing limb yet, not compromising with their honour.
    as my mind races along, i see a young soldier..
    taking his last breaths ,yet his eyes get more bolder..

    hastily as i scurry towards him, clinging to his arm
    blood soaked he takes out something with perfect ease and calm
    i see the content of his most priced possession
    for it is the nations flag his love and his obssession

    i have no time to cry or weep..
    for i have my duty to keep
    as he lays motionless beneath the sultry sun..
    i continued my journey with my best friend my gun..

  3. thanks hrithik....wonderful having u around. The poem is the creation of my dear friend and co-traveler, major varun bajpai.. i just did the copy paste job. he shall be thrilled to read urs as i am.

    we have undertaken quite a job with the creation of this coffee table book so please keep spreading the msg over.

    thanks agn


The project is the creation of a coffee table book. The objective is that the book shall be the first hand account of difficult terrains of the Indian armed forces. In a first of its kind effort it shall try to feature, through the length and breadth of the country, the real faces of the armed forces, cheerful in extremely difficult situations.