Thursday, September 10, 2009

something about me....for all of you

"Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow” Isaiah.

All I see is Red!!!

I wish I could paint the sky red.

Well almost
I have loved the color red forever. It has been a part of my life ever since. Red has been a definitive choice, right from choosing my first crayon to the new silk scarf around my neck. But it’s not its beauty that I am hooked to. It’s the duality of the color that attracts me.

Fallen seductresses to the high priestess are all clad in red. They say that red scatters the least and thus never deviates. All danger lights are colored Red...and somehow, the color started misspelling danger. . Ecstasy, passion, strength, honor, energy, fire, sex, love, lust, romance, excitement, speed, heat, arrogance, ambition, temptation, leadership, masculinity, vigor, power, danger, gaudiness, blood, war, anger, revolution, radicalism, Communism, aggression, respect, pride, martyrs, the Holy Spirit, conservatism ,Liberalism , wealth and marriage all are but colored red. One stroke of red and the image changes for ever.

Red strikes a chord with more cultures than any other color because of its intensity, passion and invocation of an inherent physiological response. Red is the color of celebration and good luck (China), purity and integrity (India), and mourning (South Africa). When used with a wide brush, red typically makes whatever it’s painted on look larger, whether it’s a torso or wingback chair. The color is bold and audacious, so it usually dilutes the colors around it. For this reason it’s used to accent and highlight objects of importance.

Studies show that red can have physical effects; including increasing the rate of respiration, raising blood pressure and thus making the heart beat faster. Red is said to make people hungry .Red is also the color of the devil in modern Western culture.

The word red comes from the Old English rēad. This is the only color word which has been traced to an Indo-European root. In Sanskrit, the word rudra means red. After the rise of socialism in the mid-19th century, red was to describe revolutionary movements. The word is also obviously associated with anything of the color occupying the lower end of the visible light spectrum, such as red hair or red soil.

The more I read about it, the more I become red. I walk the tight rope between the saint and the sinner. Anything in between, seems faded. I don’t deviate, like red, and warn people of approaching hazards…sadly enough, I soon become a hazard.

I am not misunderstood, but like red, I need to be understood more. To me, red is the beginning and the end. It’s the alpha and the omega.

And to me, I am red.

Aham Brahmasmi .

1 comment:

  1. wonderful!!! it was great to read RED written so swiftly and amazingly.


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